Monday, December 7, 2009

Bitten off too much to chew

Working on my final project, I decided I wanted to install the opensource LMS platform eFront to demonstrate different elements such as file hosting, training records, and the like. I assumed this would be just a simple process of downloading the platform and playing with it. Well, turns out I was wrong. I tried downloading Moodle and eFront and realized that the learning curve is a little steep. XAMPP, Apache, Perl, MySQL, huh? I barely know what an FTP is! It becomes intimidating when you have to edit code. So I have decided to save that battle for another day. But the experience is not without learning. I have now identified some areas that I need to get up to speed with.


  1. well, setting up a whole web server environment is not simple, but as far as efront is concerned there is a step-by-step guide for installing xampp+efront locally on your pc or on a hosted service, at, and a forum willing to help you at
    I am pretty sure that for moodle the same things apply.

  2. hey Ben

    I'm working on a presentation on the history of online facilitation and I came across your blog. It was very interesting to read through your thoughts over the course. Then to arrive here and know one of the people commenting on this post, Jeffrey. Small world.

    How do you feel about me using a screen shot of your blog?
