Monday, December 7, 2009

Bitten off too much to chew

Working on my final project, I decided I wanted to install the opensource LMS platform eFront to demonstrate different elements such as file hosting, training records, and the like. I assumed this would be just a simple process of downloading the platform and playing with it. Well, turns out I was wrong. I tried downloading Moodle and eFront and realized that the learning curve is a little steep. XAMPP, Apache, Perl, MySQL, huh? I barely know what an FTP is! It becomes intimidating when you have to edit code. So I have decided to save that battle for another day. But the experience is not without learning. I have now identified some areas that I need to get up to speed with.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Nearing the end

See full size image
On my first posting on this blog, I highlighted some of the things I wish to accomplish in this class. As we one class away from completing the course, I think now would be a good time to revisit that list. Here is a quick recap of my needs and how the class addressed them:

I want to learn easy ways to facilitate online collaboration
I feel more confident collaborating online. I find using cloud computing platforms to be helpful: Google Docs and the like. I am very excited to use Google Wave in a work related context.

I want to learn online evaluation techniques in the absence of an LMS
Evaluation remains an area that I want to learn more about. I have found some LMS platforms that are open sourced such as I think I will host my next class on this platform.
I want to identify technologies and software that I need to learn in order to advance my career in Training.
Well, I think I've got a handle on Captivate, now I want to study HTML, Flash, Dreamweaver and more Webdesign platforms.
I need to learn the specifics of ID as it pertains to the online world
I think I have a much better understanding of the different pedagogical techniques needed to successfully design online learning.
I want to know what SCORM is and how to design SCORM compliant materials
SCORM is basically just a design template, Captivate will do it for me.
I want to be able to add items to this list for future (or current) study that I am currently unaware or ignorant of. 
Webdesign, Flash

Not bad for results hey? Well, I also had concerns starting the class. They almost seem silly to me now:

My schedule: I have many commitments and I hope I will be able to manage my time
This one was tough, I need a bit of a vacation after this class!
My lack of experience in e-learning: I hope I will find enough material to make this class relevant.
I found tons of things to make the class relevant.
My limited experience in curriculum design: same as above
Nothing that learning in action can't conquer
My limited exposure to the corporate training world: same as above
I felt like had I solid enough background to succeed in this course
I guess I have to get over my feeling of "impostorship" (for those who read The Skillful Teacher by Brookfield, you know what I mean)
I faked it well!

My overall evaluation of this class is excellent. Perhaps the only thing I would like to change is to have more class sessions. Or a PPOCCID I and a PPOCCID II.
How were your expectations met for this class? What about your concerns?
Until next time,

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Google Wave

Thanks to Markis I was got an invitation to Google Wave. It seems like a very interactive platform, and wished we had it for our teamwork. One of the drawbacks to it right now is the limited access Google has afforded during the preview stage. I was given a grand total of 8 invitations to give out...